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Sandi Rog - From Stage 4 Lymphoma to Complete Remission in 10 Weeks

Updated: Apr 15, 2022

Sandi Rog submitted her amazing Story of Hope and inspiration in beating Stage 4 Non-Hodgkin's T-cell Lymphoma in 2012. She is a living testament to Winston Churchill's famous quote: "Never, never, never give up."

Sandi's Story

Written and submitted by Sandi Rog.

On November 1, 2010, I was diagnosed with Stage Four Non-Hodgkin's T-cell Lymphoma. Within a year-and-a-half I was given eight rounds of chemo (including 22-hour bags and other numerous amounts of smaller injections of chemo that are innumerable—nearly bleeding to death twice), 35 treatments of radiation, a bone-marrow transplant (which included "enough chemo to kill a healthy person"—my oncologist liked to say—along with full-body radiation), and numerous amounts of drugs and one magnesium vitamin. Despite this aggressive protocol, all these traditional cancer treatments FAILED.

In August of 2012, I got on Vitamin B17, 500mg twice a day. Within eight weeks, the tumor in my pelvic bone was gone, the one in my ribcage was gone, and three in my lymph nodes: one was gone, the other was almost completely gone, and the other had shrunk so much my oncologist wasn't worried about it. After doing the math, I figured by ten weeks, all the cancer was gone.

I've been in remission now for five-in-a-half years since October 2012, all because of God's stuff, His vitamin, a concentrated form of bitter apricot kernels. All the glory belongs to my Father who is in Heaven. Praise His Name!

For more detailed information on Sandy's story, please visit her website.


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